Linking Entrepreneurial, Strategic and Network Variables in Explaining the Emergence of Born Global R&D Intensive Firm
The nature of the knowledge based entrepreneurship relates to its essential reliance on R&D, deployment and maximization of R&D returns via technology solution development, and its commercialization via venturing. From the small catching up country perspective, R&D globalization, speed of new technology development, the need to deal with extremely complex conditions in searching and exploiting market, institutional and technological opportunities, the need to exploit R&D resources and their return globally leads to the formation of born global R&D driven entrepreneurial firms. As the cases studies from small catching up Baltic economy (Lithuania) demonstrate, these elaborate specific combinations of strategic choices under the high resource constraints and limitations of local markets for starting up globally. The specific combinations of strategic variables occur under the high resource constraints and limitations of local markets for starting up globally. The born global firms as a specific form of entrepreneurial firm occur from linking entrepreneurial, strategic innovation and network variables in a specific set up of market and technology conditions.